Micah P. Hinson

Micah P. Hinson at The British Broadcasting Corporation: Vinyl LP


Sorry Sold Out

Full Time Hobby’s first album announcement of 2018 comes in the shape of a compilation of Micah P. Hinson’s performances at the BBC over the last 15 years. Re-mastered at Bent Leaf Studios in Texas, overseen by Micah himself at the end of last year, these 11 tracks were picked from a wealth of cuts from Micah’s visits to Marc Riley over the course of nine albums. Micah offered some insight into the personal importance of these sessions: "I owe Sir Marc a deep gratitude that spans back years now. In this life, champions are needed- yet they are rare. As if I was deep in the amazon, I had found a flower not yet known to the world and people would congratulate me on what had found and what I had brought to the world- and Marc was the first one in line, hand outstretched; a grin on his face." Marc also spoke about his experience of having Micah in to play for him over the years: "I remember the first time Micah came in to do a session for us. 18th September 2004. It was at the time of his debut ‘…And The Gospel Of Progress’ LP which I absolutely loved. He was backed by The Earlies (as he was on the record) and the session was mind-blowing. The songs were fantastic, Micah’s voice made Johnny Cash sound like Aled Jones. He told tales of being thrown in jail.. of suffering great dramatic losses in his life. I remember asking him to clarify how old he was on air and he replied “23 Sir”.

Full Time Hobby
Vinyl LP

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