Lang Lang

Saint-Saëns: Vinyl 2LP


Release Date: 1 March, 2024

Black 2LP.

Lang Lang presents with this album a treasure trove of musical discoveries. Saint-Saëns’s Piano Concerto No. 2 was recorded with a stellar cast, the Gewandhausorchester and Andris Nelsons and is for Lang Lang a true romantic masterpiece that rivals the greats like Rachmaninoff or Tchaikovsky. By pairing it with Carnival of the Animals, a whimsical menagerie that has captivated young hearts for generations, Lang Lang continues his heartfelt wish to promote the love of classical music to kids and this album also gives him a chance to collaborate with his wife, pianist Gina Alice. Complementing these works with hidden gems – unearth solo compositions by five female French composers as well as beloved French classics, this is a feast for the eyes and ears, promising a captivating experience.

LP 1 (48:49)
Side A 22:52 
1 No 1 Introduction 0:31
2 Marche royale du lion 1:36
The Lion’s Royal March · Königlicher Marsch des Löwen
3 No 2 Poules et coqs 0:45
Hens and Roosters · Hühner und Hähne
4 No 3 Hémiones (Animaux véloces) 0:40
Jackasses (Wild Animals) · Die Esel (Wilde Tiere)
5 No 4 Tortues 2:18
Tortoises · Schildkröten
6 No 5 L’éléphant 1:38
The Elephant · Der Elefant
7 No 6 Kangourous 0:52
Kangaroos · Kängurus
8 No 7 Aquarium 2:30
9 No 8 Personnages à longues oreilles 0:43
Personages with Long Ears
Persönlichkeiten mit langen Ohren
10 No 9 Le coucou au fond des bois 2:18
The Cuckoo in the Deep Woods
Der Kuckuck im tiefen Wald
11 No 10 Volière 1:18
Aviary · Das Vogelhaus
12 No 11 Pianistes 1:15
Pianists · Pianisten
13 No 12 Fossiles 1:26
Fossils · Fossilien
14 No 13 Le cygne 3:09
The Swan · Der Schwan
15 No 14 Final 1:53 Finale

Side B 25:57
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 2 in G minor op.22
Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 2 g-Moll
1 1. Andante sostenuto 13:16
2 2. Allegro scherzando 5:51
3 3. Presto 6:50
Lang Lang piano I
Gina Alice piano II (Le carnaval)
Gewandhausorchester Leipzig
Cornelia Grohmann flute solo (11)
Andreas Lehnert clarinet solo (10)
Christian Giger cello solo (13)
Burak Marlali double bass solo (6)
Andris Nelsons conductor

LP 2 (57:54)
Side A 27:37
1. Pavane pour une infante défunte M. 19 5:57
Version for Piano
CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1862–1918)
Petite Suite CD 71a
pour piano à quatre mains · for Piano 4 Hands · für Klavier zu 4 Händen
2. 1. En bateau. Andantino 4:14 3 2. Cortège. Moderato 3:35 4
3. Menuet. Moderato 3:40 5
4. Ballet. Allegro giusto 3:13 GABRIEL FAURÉ (1845–1924)
6 In paradisum 3:44
No. 7 from Requiem op. 48 · Arr. for Piano by Emile Naoumoff
LÉO DELIBES (1836–1891)
7 Lakmé: Flower Duet 2:14
Blumenduett Arr. for Piano by Emile Naoumoff

Side B B 30:17
1 Toccata d’après le cinquième concerto 4:03
Toccata after the Fifth Concerto · Toccata nach dem fünften Konzert
No. 6 from Six Études pour piano op. 111
GABRIEL FAURÉ (1845–1924)
2 Pavane op. 50 6:13
Version for Piano
LOUISE FARRENC (1804–1875)
3 Étude No. 10 in F sharp minor 5:28
Etüde Nr. 10 fis-Moll
from 30 études dans tous les tons majeurs et mineurs pour piano op. 26
CHARLOTTE SOHY (1897–1955)
4 Romance sans paroles 3:15
Song without Words · Lied ohne Worte
No. 4 from Quatre pièces romantiques op. 30
5 Valse lente 2:46
6 La toute petite s’endort 1:56
No. 13 from Miocheries. 14 scènes enfantines pour piano
LILI BOULANGER (1893–1918)
7 D’un jardin clair 3:21
No. 2 from Trois morceaux pour piano
8 Le cygne 3:15
The Swan · Der Schwan
No. 13 from Le carnaval des animaux R. 125
Arr. for Piano 4 Hands by Emile Naoumoff

Deutsche Grammophon (DG)
Vinyl LP